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Presentation Masterclass with Laurie Gilbertson
Laurie Gilbertson
Canopy Public Speaking and Media Training Expert
What secrets do experienced trial lawyers and the masters of media appearances know that make their presentations so impactful? In this fun and interactive presentation, Laurie will share what she learned as a New York City sex crimes and organized crime prosecutor and television legal analyst and lay out her “Top 10” tips and techniques for effective public speaking and presenting. Learn how to pair good content with strong delivery to create and deliver engaging and persuasive presentations.
Whether you’re pitching a new client, introducing yourself at a networking event, sharing your ideas at a meeting, or guesting on television or a podcast, good communication skills are essential . . . and everyone can learn! This talk offers easily implementable techniques for audiences of any level of public speaking experience. You’ll come away with ways to feel more comfortable and confident when making presentations and addressing any size audience.
Laurie helps entrepreneurs, executives, and attorneys craft and present engaging and persuasive narratives clearly and confidently in the courtroom, the boardroom, and the media.
Whether it’s a founder pitching to investors, a trial lawyer preparing for litigation, or a CEO getting ready for a television appearance, working with Laurie puts them in position to create and deliver excellent content in an impactful way. That leads to interested investors, courtroom success, and powerful media appearances.

In this webinar, you'll learn:
- How to craft interesting “hooks” to grab an audience’s attention at the beginning of a presentation
- How using storytelling techniques can enhance any presentation
- Creative ideas for making your public speaking more compelling
- Demonstrations of interactive techniques and how to embed them in presentations to keep audiences engaged
- How to end strong with an impactful conclusion