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By Erica Younkin
If you run ads through Facebook Ads Manager, you may not realize that opting into the Audience Network means that your ads could be running on sites that aren’t in line with your brand’s values—eg. Breitbart.
The simplest fix is to opt out of third-party sites by selecting “Edit Placements” in the ad set and then deselecting “Audience Network.” However, if you don’t want to miss out on the Audience Network’s access to sites like BuzzFeed, HuffPost, and CNN, you can upload a “Block List” that will prevent ads from running on specific sites.
If you prefer the latter option, the actual Audience Network list is quite lengthy, so we recommend finding out where your ads HAVE run. To see that info, in your business settings, navigate to ➞ Brand Safety ➞ Block Lists ➞ Manage ➞ See Where Ads Have Appeared.
Once you download those lists, we suggest focusing on the channels with the most impressions and adding the no-gos to your Block List.
Ready to start engaging influencers? Here’s the plan.
1. Redefine “Influencers”
Instead of thinking about people as “influencers,” we suggest viewing them as potential “friends” of your brand. You want to build long-term relationships, not a list of one-and-dones.
2. Find Friends with Influence
Next, scout for your new friends. Look for a variety of people who have different spheres of influence. Some of them may have already tagged your brand in social media or reached out via email. Visit those archives!
3. Rank Character
Look for people who share values with your brand, then assess and rank their worth. We like letter grades: A+, A, B, C. What to consider: engagement, followers, frequency, experience.
4. Make Contact
Contact your potential new friends with an offer, which can be tailored to each group: C = free product/service; B = C + repost; A = B + C + payment; A+ = A + B + C + an experience (pictured).
5. Build a CRM
Once you have your first group of influencers on board, confirm your agreements (contracts are always wise) and then load everyone’s info—social handles, agreement terms, signed docs, etc.—into a CRM tool like Capsule.
6. Review. Revise. Repeat.
After your influencers post their media, capture the results and review the experience of working with each one. Use your CRM to log the info…and then plan your next wave with even more friends!